Senior year of college is defined by lasts and impending nostalgia.
The last first day of classes, the last Thanksgiving break, the last time stepping into a godforsaken academic building. Each of these moments fills me with nostalgia for something that has yet to come to an end.

Nostalgia-inducing fall weather driving through Chapel Hill
But nothing quite carries that feeling of impending nostalgia like the joy of a belly-aching, dry-heaving laugh with best friends in our temporary little homes dotted around Chapel Hill. This Thanksgiving season, I spent the week around friends new and old to reflect upon our bond, current lives, and future over scrumptious homemade food. As I looked to those I love and have had experiences that run the entire gamut of human experience with, I couldn't help but be filled with gratitude. Reflecting upon those I've spent my time around the last 3.5 years, I realize there are a few key components that make these relationships full of joy and support:
Only being surrounded by those who uplift each other
Saying "yes" to people/experiences whose energy draws me in (and not being afraid to say "no" to those who don't)
Being open to letting people I'd least expect be lifelong friends
Always lending a listening ear and asking what I can do to help
Not wasting my energy when my energy isn't matched
My blog posts have taken the backburner since this school year started and my external hard drive crashed (RIP South Africa Pt 2 Safari & other posts). Thought I'd return to the scene with a short and sweet post so I remember how this feels and replicate it wherever I go: To be surrounded by people I love in a place I have come to love. I've made a practice out of looking around, taking a deep breath, and trying to hold it all in. Hopefully this reminds you too to look around, make sure you're trying to live the life you want to lead, and take it all in.

Many other pals not pictured